THEME: IN THE SPIRITUAL SUB-TOPIC: CONNECTED IN THE SPIRIT AND THE SPIRITUAL. BIBLE: 1 CORINTHIANS 12 In this bible text we are told of the gifts of the spirit some of which I will talk about later down but what I would like to get across right now is that the Body of Christ is just like the human body for it to be able to work properly all part must be in function, for some of us we sit on our gifts and criticise those who are using theirs then we say that the church/Christians have lost the fire when really and truly the lost of fire was cause by us because we are not fully connected in the spiritual, you see the spiritual atmosphere can be affected by anyone of us, which in turns affect everyone else for example if there is a evil spirit present and everyone is praying and one person is not spiritually able or present, it could mean problem for the whole group, for you got to understand that the enemy attacks the weakest person in the group because he knows that the spiri