The activation of your faith leads to the activation of the spiritual.

For many of us at some point in our life's, we all have/will face storms. I am not saying that the storm is going be easy, I am not saying you wouldn't be shaken a little but what I am saying is that you may be in a storm and you may feel like you all alone and you feel like you ain't going to make out that storm but I come to tell that its time to put your faith inaction, just as how we activate the data on our phones, its about time we activate our faith because 90% of our blessing comes from the activation of our faith.  I would like you to understand something, which is that the activation of your faith leads to:
1) The activation of your worship 2)The activation of your ministry
3) The activation of your blessing
4) The activation of your spiritual gifts.
5)The activation of your spiritual atmosphere.
As you have seen your faith activation leads to the activation of many others things in the spiritual.

Your faith in God.

For many of the people in the bible they all had to go in and face the dark and hards times: David was marked to be killed because of his anointing, Noah was laughed at for building an ark in dry times, Daniel was put in the lions den for worshipping his God, Joseph was put in prison for something he didn't do but guess what they all had, that something that some of us have forgotten today, the answer is that they all had faith in God. I tell you now about something that you need to understand is that yes you will face hard times and yes we know that you can't see in the future but God said that it will work out for your good so you got to have faith in your Lord, yes you will face detours along the journey but once you got faith and you activate it just sit back and watch God work, because your detours shall become your high ways to your higher blessing.

What is faith?

*complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
*Hebrews 11:1-6 (read)


Dear Lord help me to have faith today, lord show me your way, I know that I will face hard times but I also know that you said that my hard times will work out for my good so I put everything in your hands father because you are my living God, so I put all my faith in you and I know you will always work it out for me. Amen

Write a poem or a song about faith and send it to me.

Just as how data is activated on your phone, today activate your faith in the lord.

Faith is knowing that you know, that you know that God is able to do anything he said he would do.


Faith that works
Faith that helps
Faith that causes a difference
So why not try it

Faith in the father
The father that all about your good
Faith that shows
Other the meaning of our Journey
Try it out it will not fail


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