The Day's teaching.....


The writer writes: My day was an hard one today, one of my friends was in sad mood but knowing him and his ways of joking around I though he was just looking attention but when I got home that day and saw his WhatsApp status and the death messages and pictures that he had posted, after seeing all this my heart started to cry but still I said nothing but it reach a point where he put a question on his status asking if he should kill himself and then this is where I reacted saying " bro why would you ask that don't you want to live" with a fast text in reply he answered no, this answer hurt me so much that I didn't reply to him at all but then all of a sudden a status update came up for him and on that status update it read "I am going to sleep now and I hope I don't wake up in the morning" after that status update I spend about half an hour talking to him and cheering him up until it reach a point where he said in a text to me "thanks bro all I needed was someone who cared to talk to" and we said good night and ended the chat.
Now the point I was trying to get across from telling this real life story is that sometimes we should not ignore others when we see them in a sad or a down mood because you never know maybe your act of caring by asking that person if he/she is alright could save a life and win a soul for Christ.
Bible verse: 1 Corinthians 13:4-5
Say this prayer below.
Prayer: Dear Lord I come to you knowing that you are a loving and caring God and as your child I wise to uphold my father's qualities, so even now I pray that you will give me these qualities of love so that I may go out and do your work because I know even with all the spiritual gifts without love they are nothing so let me love everyone both good and bad in your name I pray amen.
Today go out and love for your father in heaven is pure love.

Bible verse: 1 Corinthians 13:4-5
In the bible verse listed above we see where love is said to be:
1) patient; able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. Which in other words is saying that no matter how the suffering is hard and the ship seems like it's about to go under, you still not anxious or annoyed because you know that you are doing it for love.
2)kind; having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature.
But from the bible verse listen above, it also say what love should not do which is "It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. Love does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs", according to word. Listen to me now let us go forward with this teaching from the bible about what love should and should not be, let us use this teaching in our everyday life's and go around loving everyone just like our father has done.
NB: Remember how much our heavenly father love us.

Love, great love
Such a love
You have showed to us
A love that is bigger then the earth itself
A love that shines more than the sun
A love that is so warm,welcoming and fun.
Love, a great love
Your love for us
Is far above all others
Your love is like a first kiss Unforgettable
Love, a very great love
The love that always stay
The love never goes
The love greater and bigger than the world
Your love for me, Lord
Is the greatest in my life
Your love, your love
So patient and kind
Your love
written from the heart by R.Mills

Topic Questions:

*Ask yourself these question and try to find an answer.
1)what is love?
2)why should I show love to others?
3)How do I show love?
4)Should I love everyone?
5)Who shows me the greatest love?

*Love is the foundation of greatness both in the past and present.*


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